
Making the Most of Guest Blogging Opportunities

We’ve talked about guest blogging a few times in this series. In fact, I think it’s quite obvious that I am guest blogging right now and I do it because there is tremendous benefit to me and my business. Guest blogging allows you to reach new audiences and establish...

Be a Well-Rounded Blogger: Get Help with Your Writing

By now, we know that being a successful blogger isn’t about posting to WordPress all day. There are many tasks we have to attend to and it’s not always easy getting it all done. The great thing is that you don’t have to do your own writing to own a very successful...

The Smart Blogger’s Not-So-Secret Weapon: Grow Your Mailing List

We’ve all seen the for-profit blogs that get a ton of traffic, have oodles of comments on every post and they never seem to have any shortage of advertisers. How do they do it? With very few exceptions, I bet there is one thing they all have something in common. They...

Growing Your Blog Following: I’ve Got Good and Bad News

Just about every blogger would love to have a larger following. A bigger audience means we can get our message out to more people and ultimately, we can achieve more profit from our work. But when it comes to growing your following, I’ve got good news and I’ve got bad...

Is Anybody Listening? How to Get More Comments on Your Blog

It’s the frustration of many a blogger. They keep writing, writing, writing, but the comments are few and far between. If you’ve dealt with this, you may have felt like you were talking to yourself. I’ve been there myself, so know how you feel. The good news is that...

Set Yourself Apart: Using Images to Create Unique Blog Content

Today’s web is far more visual than it was just 5, 7 or 10 years ago. These days, with faster Internet speeds and sophisticated mobile devices, it’s possible to use more images in your content. In the past, you’d have to be wary about page load speeds and while you...

Beat Blogger’s Block: Fifteen Blog Topic Brainstorming Methods

There’s nothing worse than sitting down at your computer and finding you have absolutely nothing to write about. And even though you might be a prolific blogger, it happens to all of us at one point or another. The great thing is that there are plenty of brainstorming...

10 Ways You Can Earn Money from Your Blog

10 Ways You Can Earn Money from Your Blog

A lot of people start blogs without any monetization plan in mind. While that can be corrected, it’s always easier if you’re clear on how you will earn money from the beginning. To give you some ideas, here are 10 straightforward ways you can earn money from your...

Do You Know Why You Blog? I Mean Really Know…

It seems kind of like a silly question, but I would guess that most bloggers don’t know the true reason why they blog. And because of that, they flounder and don’t earn as much as they’d hoped. I’m hoping that our discussion today will help you dig really deep and...

Meet Guest Blogger: Martin Ellison

Recently, I’ve had a lot of requests to cover some blogging for profit topics here. To that end, I thought I’d bring in an expert with some great advice to share. I’d like to introduce you to Martin Ellison who is going to do a series of posts over the next little...

Are You Making These LinkedIn Profile Mistakes?

Are You Making These LinkedIn Profile Mistakes?

Did you know that having a boring headline in your LinkedIn profile can cost you business? Really? You betcha! Having a boring headline causes people to disconnect from you online, to glibly skip over you - and to seek out your competitors! Tell you more? Ok, so...

Are You Using YouTube to Market Your Business Yet?

Are You Using YouTube to Market Your Business Yet?

Behind Google, YouTube ranks as THE most popular search engine in the world! And it's definitely THE most popular video platform by miles, with an estimated 3,000,000,000 views daily. Wow! And don't forget YouTube mobile, which has increased YouTube's viewership and...

Don't Be Shy