Think about your favorite female client. The one you connected with the best. She loved your ideas, was easy to work with and her project was a breeze. You both thoroughly enjoyed it!

Women in particular are looking for ways to connect and build relationships. Taking the time to figure out what your ideal female prospect looks like (and wants) will make closing a sale with them… a piece of cake.

Step #1. Take a minute and draw a circle, then write the words “female prospect” in the middle. Next, draw a series of circles with lines that lead back to the center. Inside each circle, write the qualities of your ideal client. Below I’ve listed some you might want to consider:

– Age (20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s)

– Single corporate women (with kids/without kids)

– Married corporate women (with kids/without kids)

– Single entrepreneurs (with kids/without kids)

– Married entrepreneurs (with kids/without kids)

– Single white collar workers (with kids/without kids)

– Single blue collar workers (with kids/without kids)

– Stay at home moms

– Different lifestyles

– Active

– Sedentary

– Education level

– Ethnicity

– Religious affiliations

– Aging parents/grandparents

– Hobbies

– Pets

– Financials

As you can see, the list is endless. And it shows that your client will have very different needs, depending on her life stage, hobbies and interests.

Step #2. Think about where she lives, where she shops, what motivates her to spend, what problems you solve.

Step #3. Choose a gender, an age, a back story, even a name. You’ll want to be able to picture that person and write directly to her in all your marketing materials.

Step #4. When developing your marketing materials (your ezine, blog, ads, etc.) a great trick is to imagine writing to just ONE PERSON, rather then a ‘mob’ of people. Allow her, that one fictional person, to represent the majority. She’s your ideal customer. Write to her.

Here is an example of a well thought out ideal client – Nikki Stanton, a 37 year old divorced entrepreneur with a web conferencing business. She’s Internet and business savvy.

– Invests most of her profit back into the business.

– Lives in San Diego in a gated community with her 10 year old daughter, Madison.

– Involved in daughter’s school and drives her to dance classes.

– Has a home office making approximately $117,000 per year.

– Jogs 3 times a week in the neighborhood.

– She loves to find bargains on designer clothes.

– And dreams of visiting Italy with her daughter someday.

Using these tips will make your marketing materials very personal, as if you’re actually talking to her on the other side. This is a great way to connect with and draw in your ideal client.

(Based on an article by Lorrie Morgan-Ferrero of Red Hot Copy.)